While at New York I visited the Metropolitan Museum of Art to check out the Model As Muse exhibit brought to you by Marc Jacobs. Unfortunately I couldn't take pictures. So I will tell you what I got from the exhibit. I remember when I first walked in and they had pictures from models of the 40's and 50's and they just screamed elegance from there pictures! They could have been the most tom girlish girl out there but you never would've noticed because they looked fab! Some of the models I learned about were Donyale Luna, Dovima, and Wilhelmina Cooper founder of Wilhelmina Modeling Agency. Model Dovima was reputed to be the highest-paid model of her time. "Dovima with the Elephants" is one of her infamous photos
taken at the
Cirque d'hiver, Paris, in August 1955. The dress was the first evening dress designed for
Christian Dior by his new assistant,
Yves Saint-Laurent. Then there is Donyale Luna who was the first African American Model to appear on the cover of British Vogue (March 1966) and Harper's Bazaar (January 1965). Wilhelmina Cooper became one of the most famous models of the 1950s and 1960s. During her career as a model she was on the cover of 255 magazines. She founded Wilhelmina Modeling Agency in New York in 1967. The exhibit was amazing though, I learned so much! Honestly I couldnt believe I was in the same place that Andre Leon Talley stepped foot on as well as Marc Jacobs, Tyra Banks, Rihanna, and Blair Waldorf! lol